Q: Sé que muchos hermanos dicen eso Tren inyectable es lo mejor, pero quiero saber de ustedes cómo puedo probar el tren transdérmico. ¿Está en forma de gel o es algo que pueda comprar, o tengo que hacerlo? Me preocupa estropear el buen equipo o estropearme a mí mismo, así que dime cómo. ¿Es usando DMSO con pellets triturados?

UN: Okay, lots of questions and it isn’t a simple matter. This month we’re doing a feature on Tren and you should read it. But here is a little clue for you: Pellets have binders and glues in them that you definitely don’t need and that bind to the product you want. You have to find a way to remove those binders and glues before injecting it or, for that matter, trandermally apply it. If you don’t take care of this, you’ll be injecting or crossing the blood barrier with glues and binders that are potentially toxic to you. Remember, your skin is an organ too – the largest one in the body – and can fail on you or get infected just like anything else. Treat it right. There are various carrier solutions and the article we’re featuring will be talking about your choices, such as “Transport Matrix”, DMSO and some Phlojel, or Absolve (Avant Labs). But home-made transdermals can be dangerous, to be honest. Anything you have on your hands, or the skin surface you’re using, can get carried in with the product and carrier solutions. That means bacteria most of the time, and that can really wreak havoc with your system. Your body isn’t going to like the glues and binders and you can experience seriously painful gastro-intestinal problems and toxicity symptoms. Do a google search for Finaplix kits para tomar el producto granulado y convertirlo en algo seguro para inyectar o para cruzar la barrera cutánea.

Marcas de trembolona populares: Acetato de trenboxilo, Trenolab-E 200, Parabolan 100, TriTren.